Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Liriope, also commonly called border grass is not actually a grass but a member of the lily family, a fact that inspires another of its common names, lilyturf. It is a beautiful evergreen ornamental grass-like plant that gets long lasting purple flowers in mid to late July that last through summer. They are perennial, easily propagated and need little attention. They like sun to partial shade.

1 diner's comment:

ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! Dhemz...
The Liriope, is a very beautiful plant...Thanks, for all the information about the Liriope.
[I'am quite sure that my father would know about this plant with him being a gardener.Hmmm...maybe?!?]
Thanks, for sharing!
[Postscript: I really like your animated Tweeter bird too!]
DeeDee ;-D