Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hawaiian Style

Friday is always "pizza day/movie day" in our household. We sometimes buy pizza at a local pizza place or sometimes we buy frozen ones. Months ago, a friend of mine from Pittsburgh sent me a freschetta pizza coupon. Thanks a lot tsangShy!
I used the coupon last Friday and picked the Freschetta Hawaiian style at the frozen section. This pizza does not taste like those frozen pizzas at all. I added some raisins and ham on it. So yummy!

17 diner's comment:

Arvin U. de la Peña said...

sarap niyan..

Mika said...

Pizza Pizza! Love pineapple tidbits as my pizza toppings so I usually request for extra toppings of pineapple, delicious!

maiylah said...

pizza on Fridays sounds good...well, for me if it's possible i'd like to have pizza more than once a week! lol. and your pizza looks so yummy! i haven't tried mine with raisins, so this is new for me, and something that i'd love to try!

thanks for sharing your lip-smacking pizza over at Food Friday, Ms. Dhemz
have a safe and happy weekend! :)

mommy Orkid Belle said...

that looks delicious mommy. Sometimes it is nice to add a little bit of your favorite toppings to a frozen pizza to make it look even more delicious. Love that! :) Bsita ko.

Adin B

Tetcha said...

I like Hawaiian pizza with lots of ham and pineapples! Happy FTF! Here's my entry:

Jellybelly said...

Wow pizza! It looks crunchy, I like thin crust best. Stopping by from Food Trip Friday!

The Twerp and I

Hootin Anni said...

I don't care for fruit on my pizza...I pick it off and give it to Bud. LOLOL But it looks scrumptious -albeit pineapple and raisins .

Want some more treats today? Then, stop by my A CRESCENT CITY CONNECTION

Hope your Friday has treated you well.

Chie Wilks said...

it looks mouth watering..pahingi isang slice sis hehehe

Kim, USA said...

Yummy Dhemz, like pizza too. Happy weekend!

Fresh Miki

agent112778 said...

i like some pizza too

heres my entry

Unknown said...

raisins on pizza..haven't tried that one yet.:p

MinnieRunner said...

Wow, I love your Fridays sis. Can I drop by sometime?

Not really a pizza lover, but with those raisins added, I would love to have one.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved Hawaiian pizza, and movies! :) Raisins on pizza sound a lot healthier!

Visiting from FTF
Pick-Me-Up Tea

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Kami sd usahay either pizza, or chinese day basta friday, hurot naman gd energy iluto hehehe

kalami ba sa inyong pizza diha bayot, thin crust na siya no. yum

ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! Dhemz...
Thanks, for sharing...I love pizza too!
Take care!
deedee ;-D

♥ Willa @ Postage Journal♥ said...

I agree! Friday is a pizza day!!!

Unknown said...

Hi ate dems...

hehe long time no hear... karon pa nabalik akong blog after a very long while...

gigutom kos imung post dah hehe...:)
